A post on heat is ironical when the talk among weather community of Tamil Nadu is about upcoming NEM. Yesterday as Peninsular India started seeing clearer skies heat returned with a bang over most of Tamil Nadu. While places like Madurai, Karur saw 4°C above max temperatures Tondi was abnormally hot by 6.4°C. The observatories…
Tag: Tamil Nadu Weather
Tamil Nadu all set 2nd Summer with hot afternoons
A post on the return of Summer over Tamil Nadu may surprise many at this time of the year. The last couple of days chatter among weather blogging community has been about NEM 2024. A fairly positive outlook from ECMWF Seasonal forecasts seem to have set the cat among the pigeons. With delayed transition to…
Southwest Monsoon to remain weak over Peninsular India
Academically Southwest Monsoon season starts from 1st June and ends on 30th September according to IMD. As we explain often this seasonal calendar is to ensure long term data availability is consistent. It is essential data remains consistent to understand long term changes in rainfall pattern. Prior to 2020 the withdrawal date for Southwest Monsoon…
Cyclone to form over Arabian Sea the 1st in 40 years during August
North Indian Ocean has two distinct cyclone seasons. The first characterised as Pre Monsoon during April and May which at times spills over into June. The 2nd characterised at Post Monsoon which coincides with Northeast Monsoon. IMD which is the RSMC for North Indian Ocean basin has a an exhaustive FAQ section on Tropical Cyclone….
Monsoon Jet picks up pace supported by back to back Lows
The Monsoon Jet or more commonly called Somali Jet is an integral component of the Indian Summer Monsoon (ISMR). Monsoon has been in existence from time immemorial. The term Monsoon which originated in French can trace its roots to the Arabic word “Mausim”. As early as 334 BC Aristotle had mentioned about reversal of monsoon…