As 2024 gives way to 2025 we bid adieu to Northeast Monsoon 2024 as well. Statistically the Northeast Monsoon season ends on 31st December. The season ended with 589.9 mm against a normal rainfall of 442.8 mm. Northeast Monsoon 2024 was the 5th consecutive year when the season has ended with above average rainfall. After 3 consecutive poor years between 2016 to 2018 the next 5 years has seen an average of 523 mm.
Though there were a few years that was extremely poor the past 20 years have been good overall during NEM. 14 out of the past 20 years has seen NEM season end above average. If one looks at the previous 20 year period between 1985 to 2004 only 5 years exceeded average. A similar pattern can be observed between 1945 and 1984 when a good period between 1965 and 1984 succeeded a bad period between 1945 and 1964. Whether it is a pointer to the upcoming 20 year period remains to be seen.
Not only Northeast Monsoon but the year as a whole was good for Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry. Against a normal rainfall of 921.4 mm the year ended with 1172.9 mm an excess of 27%. Like NEM the year also ended as 5th consecutive year with above average rainfall. Interestingly the period 2004 and 2011 saw 8 consecutive good years overall. 2024 was only the 3rd instance when 14 out of 20 preceding years saw above average rainfall. 1925 and 2023 were the earlier instances when similar thing happened.

The interesting thing to note about both NEM and the year was the all round performance. Thoothukudi is the only district in TN & PDC not to have recorded normal rains for the year. All the other 39 districts recorded above average rains. Similarly except for Nilgiris and Thoothukudi once again were the only districts that did not record average rains during NEM season.
With a new year now it is a new beginning. We wish all our well wishers a Happy and Prosperous New Year. A new year will bring a fresh year of tracking rains. The next few days though weather is expected to be dry until a fresh pulse evolves in South Bay. More on that as things evolve.