It may be ironical to talk about Rains when Pongal festival is just around the corner. Before we start calling it “Unseasonal Rains” it is essential to look at the background. When La Nina influence drives the weather dynamics. Of the 5 disturbances that formed after Christmas since 1950 3 of them were when La…
Winter Conditions for next few days in Tamil Nadu
To a common man the arrival of the Tamizh month of Margazhi pretty much heralds winter. Not only do they associate Margazhi with the arrival of winter conditions but cessation of rains too. But ask a weather enthusiast he would say during La Nina winter takes a back seat for Peninsular India. The reason for…
2024 – 5th consecutive above average rainfall year
As 2024 gives way to 2025 we bid adieu to Northeast Monsoon 2024 as well. Statistically the Northeast Monsoon season ends on 31st December. The season ended with 589.9 mm against a normal rainfall of 442.8 mm. Northeast Monsoon 2024 was the 5th consecutive year when the season has ended with above average rainfall. After…
Southern Ghats likely to see heavy rainfall episode next week
The last few days in a way has been a reflection of how NEM 2024 has behaved. A Low that started its journey many days back finally found its way to TN coast. After moving up and then down over the last couple of days it has brought fairly widespread rains to North Coastal TN….
North TN gets ready for Monsoon withdrawal
As we get to the last days of the year anticipation for change starts becoming visible. The common people look forward to a fresh start with the new year. The weather bloggers though start showing signs of anxiety. Withdrawal symptoms as withdrawal of Northeast Monsoon season starts becoming imminent. More often than not it is…